Desisions of the Heart
Understanding CAD | Treatment Options | Talk to Your Doctor | Resources

Decision Tree

Before receiving an angiogram, it's important to understand your treatment options. If your angiogram shows blockage, then a treatment decision must be made quickly.

New data that was recently presented at a major cardiovascular conference provides important clarity around how to determine which patients are best served by what procedure. The study results showed that:*

  • Hundreds of thousands of patients with moderate "not just severe" CAD could have been better treated with bypass surgery versus receiving a stent
  • After three years, data show that patients who received a stent versus undergoing bypass surgery were:

To ensure you receive the best treatment for your condition, your case should be reviewed by a multidisciplinary heart team that consists of a medical cardiologist, an interventional cardiologist and a cardiothoracic surgeon prior to making any treatment decision.

Below is a decision tree that will help you better understand the treatment process you will go through, and provides you information about how and when to talk to your doctor about the best treatment option for you.

Reset Decision Tree

Have you been diagnosed with CAD?

Has a doctor told you that medicine is an appropriate option to treat your disease?

Do you have diabetes or other risk factors such as advanced age that may impact your treatment?

Have you had an angiogram to determine the extent of your disease?

Be sure to ask for a surgical consult PRIOR to making any treatment decisions during your angiogram. A “heart team” approach to treatment decisions provides the best outcome for patients.

Was a stent placed during the procedure?

Do you have two or less arteries affected by CAD?

Is your left main artery affected by CAD?

If you think you may have CAD but have yet to be diagnosed, visit your primary care physician or cardiologist right away.

Medicine is one of the mainstays for treating the early signs and symptoms of CAD

ACC/AHA guidelines suggest that CAD patients with risk factors such as diabetes or advanced age should receive bypass surgery to ensure the best long-term outcomes.

Be sure to ask for a surgical consult PRIOR to making any treatment decisions during your angiogram. A “heart team” approach to treatment decisions provides the best outcome for patients.

ACC/AHA Guidelines suggest patients with single or double vessel disease with no left main involvement, who do not have other risk factors such as diabetes may be right candidates for a stent.

If you were diagnosed with "multi-vessel disease" where three or four arteries are effected by CAD, according to the ACC/AHA guidelines you should receive bypass surgery to treat the form of CAD that you have.

ACC/AHA guidelines suggest that patients with left main disease receive coronary artery bypass surgery to ensure the best long term outcomes.